Make your customers your best marketing channel

Lauren Downey
2 min readApr 5, 2019



Here are a few ideas to start engaging and building a loyal, advocating audience.

  1. Get involved in what you and your audience care about
    Whether that be sponsoring a community event, co-marketing, teaching classes, getting involved in your community, find your audience and make a positive impact in their lives. The CEO of Patagonia is donating the company’s tax cut to help protect the environment and fight climate change. Surely that resonates with Patagonia’s customers and something that Patagonia customers would be proud of.
  2. Participate in online discussions about your business
    Wherever customers are questioning or reviewing your products or service, be there to help and provide answers. Participate in these conversations and help them understand. These conversations happen on your Facebook posts and ads, Amazon, Google reviews, Yelp reviews as well as Quora and Reddit.
  3. Answer customer questions and publish them on a FAQ website page
    Like the tip above, you might find common questions in unexpected places. Seek questions out and offer answers on your website.
  4. Provide useful content that solves problems or inspires
    Create content that solves problems make your brand stand out as a leader. Provide content by blog, email campaign or from product information. Build your reputation online as a resource in your industry.
  5. Prove yourself with customer testimonials and reviews on your site
    An easy and honest way to build trust with customers is to prove that others like you. Have testimonials on your website or outside websites give you credibility.
  6. Be honest & transparent about who you are
    Having honest opinions, thoughts, advice, make brands more personal and trustworthy. Show off personality, offer apologies, and make up for mistakes publicly to expand your brand and create trust.

To build a loyal customer base who want to promote your brand means you have to solve problems, communicate the value of your product or service, and support your customers needs. If your audience trusts and likes you, you’ll have loyal customers and loyal customers are your best advocates.

