4 Ways to get Ahead in Your Marketing Career

Lauren Downey
2 min readJun 3, 2017


Gain skills, meet the right people, and build confidence are the top ways to get ahead in your career. I’ve gathered a list of resources that I’ve found helpful for my career and education. I hope this helps you on your journey.

1. Read to gain knowledge & confidence

Read from leaders in your industry. Find blogs that challenge your perspective and advance your knowledge. Ask Google when you don’t understand something or want to expand your skill set. Go to the library, seriously. The more you know and understand, the more confident you’ll be.

Here are my top favorite authors at the moment:

  • Linchpin by Seth Godin
  • Trust me, I’m Lying by Ryan Holiday
  • They Ask, You Answer by Marcus Sheridan
  • Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

2. Get a mentor (or two) to gain more skills

This may sound silly to some, but I cannot encourage mentoring enough. A mentor is truly a shortcut to success. Find someone who will take you under their wing and help, support, and teach you. Find someone who will open your world to something you didn’t know. Having a mentor is the fastest way to achieve what you want.

3. Get involved with networking groups & communities

Learn how to talk to anyone, make connections, get insights on your industry, and open yourself up to opportunities.

4. Take on projects that give you experience

Say yes, don’t be hesitant. Take on extra projects at work, a side project, a freelance client, or volunteer to gain experience. Look for any opportunity to try something different, expand your skills, and get out of your comfort zone.

By getting involved in your industry you’ll get a better understanding and perspective of your own career, gain valuable skills, and be part of a community.

If there are resources that’ve helped you please share them in the comments below! Thanks :)

